(English version below)
Le programme E-Philologie (coorganisé par l’École nationale des chartes, l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, l’École nationale supérieure et l’École pratique des hautes études, sous l’égide de PSL1 propose une série de conférences invitées, accompagnées de cours pratiques, à destination des étudiants avancés (master 2 et doctorat) et des chercheurs. Ces conférences et ces cours abordent la problématique encore émergente des nouvelles possibilités fournies en termes d’analyses scientifiques par les formats d’édition électronique (TEI notamment) et les outils numériques, et visent à présenter les possibilités nouvelles qu’ils apportent pour la recherche sur les textes anciens, mais aussi leurs limites et le travail restant à accomplir, en tentant de comparer différentes approches de questions telles que la représentation de la variance, la généalogie textuelle et la stemmatologie, l’analyse lexicométrique, les calculs de datation ou de localisation des textes, l’attribution, l’étude des sources manuscrites, des systèmes graphiques ou des pratiques scribales.
Le programme E-Philologie consiste en trois dispositifs liés:
- une formation initiale en XML-TEI pour les débutants (en début d’année universitaire);
- des conférences invitées ;
- des cours pratiques (sur inscription).
(Pour plus d’informations, voir le programme pour l’année 2016-2017).
Le programme E-Philologie cherche, en articulant étroitement questionnement sur les enjeux scientifiques et apprentissage pratique d’une technique, à donner la possibilité aux étudiants d’acquérir le savoir-faire méthodologique et aux chercheurs confirmés de mieux connaître les outils techniques et les possibilités pour les sciences humaines de création et d’innovation dans ces domaines, en les mettant en relation avec des créateurs d’outils de pointe.
English version
The E-Philologie programme, led by the École nationale des chartes, the École des hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, the École Nationale Supérieure and the École Pratique des Hautes Études at PSL (for 2014-2015 program, at héSam Université), aims at establishing a research seminar in Digital Philology, coupled with classes for advanced students (M.A. and Ph.D.) and researchers, to train students in digital edition techniques and to instil cooperation both within héSam University and with other research institutions on an international level.
The E-Philologie programme will address the still-emerging questions of the new opportunities that digital edition formats and guidelines (particulaly the TEI) provide, in terms of scientific analysis and the question of the added value these standards bring to this field, which goes beyond simple questions of display, online publishing, interoperability, etc. to address issues that have long held the interest of philologists. The seminar will present the new possibilities that digital formats and tools open up for research on ancient texts, but also their limitations and the work that must yet be done in this area, by attempting to compare different approaches to common problems.
This seminar provides an opportunity to bring together internationally-reputed researchers from different backgrounds to present their experiments and achievements on a series of subjects which include textual genealogy and stemmatology, lexicometric analysis, dialectological analysis, the dating or localisation of texts, authorship attribution, the study of manuscript sources, graphic systems, scribal practice, etc. The aim is to show how they have been able make use of digital edition formats, what limitations they have encountered, or how they have had to adapt or ‘tweak’ these formats for the purposes of their research.
The development of digital editions has become a striking phenomenon in these fields in recent years. Digital edition allows for other ways of working (from cooperative to crowd-sourcing) and publishing (accessibility, text/image linking, interactive visualisation) and also gives rise to new possibilities for scientific analysis (textual, linguistic or historical analyses, stemmatology, textometry and text mining, to name but a few).
Today, many advanced students (doctoral and second-year master students) and experienced researchers whose work involves textual edition, need to be trained in digital edition. While courses which are often focussed on the practical approach of learning XML/TEI already exist, there is still a need for a more theoretical and open debate on the most recent research developments in the field of Digital Philology and on scientific issues arising from the development of digital edition, particularly in what regards the use of digital tools for scientific analysis at every step of the editorial process.
To that end, the e-philologie programme seeks to link the study of scientific issues closely with the practical aspect of learning the relevant techniques, through direct contact with the creators of cutting edge tools.
The E-Philologie programme comprises three related axes:
- an introductory course in XML/TEI, for beginners (beginning of academic year);
- a cycle of guest conferences;
- a series of practical classes.
(see the programme for the year 2016-2017).
- pour le programme 2014-2015, sous l’égide de héSam Université [↩]
Ping : Wido van Peursen : Identifying linguistic changes by syntactic variation: the case of the Hebrew Bible | EphéNum
Ping : Inscription ouverte : Introduction à l’encodage XML-TEI, cours intensif | EphéNum